Due to the ease of marketing using social media, it can be very tempting to overdo it and post way too many videos. Just like in article marketing, you cannot publish content that is of low quality because it hurts your business’s reputation. Instead of giving into the temptation to spam the web, use these tips to create an attractive, robust SMM campaign that will drive sales and ultimately, revenue.
It takes a great deal of patience to build a successful network in social media marketing. Unless you are Justin Beiber, don’t expect thousands of followers to just magically appear when you put up your profile. It has happened in the past, but usually it is by chance. If your profiles go viral immediately, that is like gold to your business and is very rare. So be aware that it will take time to gain followers.
Interaction with your customers should be one of your primary goals. If it’s appropriate, comment on their blogs or Facebook status. Just don’t interfere with personal discussions. If someone is discussing an issue that is related to your business, then you can contact them.
It is crucial that you place links to your Facebook and Twitter pages, that can be easily accessed from your YouTube video. If YouTube users find you on Twitter or Facebook, they will probably share your videos with their friends.
Measure your plan’s success. You should establish statistics showing how much activity you generated and how many new followers you got every week. If you compare these statistics with your actions, you can see what works and formulate a strategy for success. You have to keep track of all of your results to know what is working or not.
Be ready for the negativity that goes along with using social media. Even if most people think your product is the best thing since sliced bread, there will always be some naysayers. Never retreat in such instances, but instead confront problems directly so that problems can be solved and customers can be made happy.
Offer discounts exclusively to people who join your page to encourage customers to “like” it on Facebook or follow it on Twitter. Your customers will enjoy the sense of exclusivity when they receive these special discounts, and you will likely see your profits swell as you land more sales.
Keep an eye on your competitors’ activities. Seek them out on various social networks and see what marketing techniques they are using. If something seems to be working for them, try a similar strategy. Or, use the knowledge you gather to come up with a totally new idea that they have not tried.
Understand that social networking shouldn’t be just used for posting ads about your products. Information flows both ways on social networks; you can find out a great deal about the people you’re trying to do business with. You might also be able to have them interact with yourself and your brand. Social marketing is, of course, a great way to extol the virtues of your products, but you should look at it as more of a form of great customer relations.
Keep your business site interesting and informative by hosting blogs by several of your most successful or engaging employees. These blogs help customers understand what goes on inside your company. It allows them to see your business culture, the atmosphere of your company, and the processes involved in delivering your products and services. This is a good way to encourage trust and open communication.
The great thing about marketing with social media is that you can change your marketing strategy quickly and easily. Since it is so cheap you can toy around with many different strategies. Use the advice in this article to make your social media marketing successful.